1. First things first

Oh, familiar sight…

I admit, I have no idea why I purchased a TV as the first thing on the home lot other than the bed, that day when I started the Legacy Challenge for the first time.

But one thing I know is that Prion Halls had no interest in it at all. With his Loves the Outdoors trait, living without a roof was no bother at all. Good thing it was paired with the Freelance Botanist aspiration, because the first thing he did was picking up all the plants he could find around the big, empty lot, and plant them. He had a good feeling about those saplings -that they would help him with everything he needed to build a successful and respected family-.

Living on grilled food was no challenge to him.

Prion felt no weight on his shoulders about the generations to come, especially when he was tending to his plants, as being with them (and occasionally being Cheerful) made him very happy.

Is that… a toilet? Between the… bushes? I don’t question. Ah, these Neat Sims!

Prion thought he had all was needed to be remembered: a good heart, a strong will and a sharp mind. Of course he went trough all the tasks early Legacy life requires:

Meeting new people around town…

That girl in an afro seemed intresting… what a pity she walked away.

Slowly expanding the household…

Again, yes, all the plumbing is hidden behind the trees. Pretty smart, right?
Again, yes, all the plumbing is hidden behind the trees. Pretty smart, right?
The very first four walls! With a toilet door!
The very first four walls! With a toilet door, but not actually a toilet.

I mean, I was feeling very good about him and the good start of the Legacy.

In spite of that, in the middle of his Young Adult years, the dear Prion had not found a good match yet. He knew some people, and he talked often with his best friend, Summer Holiday, who liked to give him advice just as much as he liked her just as a friend. She often told him that love takes time, and love takes work , and that he at least had to know the other person (actually Prion was not sure those words were actually her own), so it was not the case of rushing things and be unhappy ever after, just because he wished for love so badly.

Summer visited very often, but there never was a single spark.
“Love takes time, and love takes work…”                                           “Sum, I saw that episode too.”

Those late night talks finally inculcated some good sense into him, and he slept soundly, knowing that things would just fall into place, with patience.

A Warm Welcome

It was a day. A young girl, feeling inspired by a great writer and his wordpress blog, decided to leave the safety of her tumblr and adventure into the wild world of adult bloggers.

This is me. More or less. Let's just say I'd rather be a dinosaur.
This is me. More or less. Let’s just say I’d rather be a dinosaur. Or a dragon.

Anyway, that’s it. I feel like writing in this period so I thought: “why not keeping a blog about something?”

Introducing yourself is always the hardest part. But I’ve got words to express myself and something to talk about in mind.  I hope you like fantasy (read as “dragons”), dogs, animated features and videogames, because that’s all I am about.

But I like talking about almost everything! Just think of me as your teenager Italian penpal, ok?

Welcome, strangers, and nice to meet you.